Simply Sound and American English; Only two people showed up for this event;-Dawn and yours truly, I asked Dawn where’s Steve your husband? Dawn said, “well somebody has to vacuum! I actually got there early enough to hear Simply Sound play 4 of their last songs, I liked one of them the other three were “el-stinko!” Simply Sound is a 2 piece band so they augment their sound with extensive electronically generated sounds, which in retrospect were amazing!
They were quite loud and I forgot my ear plugs (as usual) so I tore up a napkin and made ad hoc ear plugs, besides being quite stylish they managed to knock down the volume to an acceptable level. Between bands performing the announcer talks about how great all the sponsoring advertisers are, which is in actuality a stream of adnauseam self dedicating commercials! Dawn arrived then, and guess what? There was no Cliff, he’s always there what’s up? Rain was that answer Cliff figured the concert was a “no go, due to the pending likelihood of rain, so Dawn & me ended up getting soaked, which in a way works as a substitute shower so I don’t have to bathe. We never heard anything from “American English,” a sad ending to the concert.
Ace Reporter
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