1/20/21 O’Sullivan’s

 5 people showed up for this fantastic event; Linda & Dave K, Milanne, and yours truly, Ace Reporter. Allso in attendance, Tall club wannabe Dave S was there. The Mexican Taco Special is tasty, well worth the $10, if there was any doubt we were sitting outside this could be felt immediately, when you walk into the Beer Garden, fortunately, the Propane space heaters heated our table appropriately, if I stood too close to this heater eventually the 7 hairs on my head would spontaneously combust Homer Simpson style. One thing I found “surprising,” was all the Christmas Decorations I passed, when driving down to Oakpark, people either have defective calender’s or they’re trying to cheer people up during the ongoing COVID epidemic crisis. Parking around O’Sullivan’s always a challenge, Millanne was the first to arrive, I asked her, Where’s Dave?” He’s parking half a mile away so he doesn’t get a parking ticket.

Our waitress remembered me, with my rubber cockroaches (see I’m famous) this event was rubber cockroach-less. Dave K informed me that the Fire-department is handing out food to the unemployed masses providing free eats to the impoverished. Dave K said that vegetables are the hardest thing to come up with. If the hoards of illegal incoming immigrants each brought a squash as they sneak across the border maybe that wouldn’t be a problem. Dave K says you get better service in a Mexican Restaurant if you speak Spanish, this could be why I get lousy service speaking Pig Latin at Mexican Restaurants. Drinking the authentic Rio Grande Mexican water is something to be avoided as well. Later we talked about the biggest Mexican “Deadly Bean Burrito,” to which Dave K won thumbs down, with a massive 1 pound 6 ounce gem the El Cockaroach Bean Burrito which Dave K and the other Firefighters consume before handing out Free Food to the starving masses, the results which never disappoints later adding to the levity, amusement and bragging rights to this festive occasion! Dave K & (Nan Starr as shown on FaceBook) have gotten their first COVID shots because they’re essential; I should’ve gotten a shot because I’m essentially a bum, actually I should get one soon due to my incredible age!

Milanne’s library, where she volunteers remains “closed,” due to COVID, making it difficult for the homeless in Oakpark to find a place to sleep. They should come down to Lockport where our Library remains open; the problem down here is nobody knows how to read, we just look at the pictures in the books, I recently took out a “Dick & Jane” book called “See See See.” Milanne has two heated outside Cat boxes located on her back porch to provide sleeping quarters for the Cat overflow. Dave S said, “the Possums, Raccoon’s and Skunks enjoy sleeping in them after they eat all the cat food. The outdoor cat houses on occasion serve as Dave S sleeping quarters when Milanne kicks him out for some type of malfeasance, which is something I’m familiar with as well.

Ace Reporter, Tommy