In the Pink! Bunco Fundraiser for Breast Cancer

by Peggy Roberts

Paramount Tall Club was well represented at the Bunco for Breast Cancer Research Foundation Fundraiser held Sunday, October 7, 2018. Laura S, Diane M, Linda H, Mary P, and I were all there.
There were 56 raffle baskets and a silent auction for a four-night Galena get-a-way. Although Diane
did her best she, unfortunately, did not leave with her usual carload of raffle basket wins. Do you
think that is why the rest of us each won a basket or two? Just wondering …

Laura, as you can see from the picture, won a basket of various White Sox items. Mary won a basketful of games for family fun night, Linda won Amazon and restaurant gift cards, and I won two rounds of golf (with various other items) and two restaurant gift certificates.
The rest of our “pod” of eight included Mary’s daughter and two friends. About 200 attendees made this event a huge success. A great time was had by all!